Growing up in a large family, Freddy was exposed to both church and the ways of the world. Freddy's father was a great man with a wonderful heart but he did not attend church very often and didn't always make it a point to teach the children about The Lord. Freddy's mother on the other hand hardly missed a service. A love for God is something she instilled in all of her children. She always made sure they knew about God and had the opportunity to go to church to learn about Him. The rest was up to the child but they always had to opportunity. Today all 16 children are born again and many are active members of the churches they attend. Freddy became born again at the age of 6 along with 1 brother and 2 sisters the same day.
Throughout his life Freddy was in and out of church. Choosing the wrong path at times, like many of us do, but he always knew where his peace was.
At the age of 18, Freddy began playing country music on the road with various groups. Performing in the bars and honky-tonks, Freddy was exposed to the ways of the world and it became part of his lifestyle for many years.
In 2009, while living in Murfreesboro Tennessee, The Lord began talking to Freddy and making him see that he was using his gifting of music all wrong. He quickly realized that The Lord did not give him the ability to sing, play instruments, and write songs to please man, but He did gift him with these talents to glorify God and to bring others to Him.
From that day forward, though there has been some set backs, Freddy has lived life differently. Focusing more on living for Jesus rather than himself. Freddy no longer plays country music or embraces the lifestyle that often times comes with that.
Freddy is now married and has four children and is doing his best to make sure his family is living for God and being a light to those around them.
"It is my goal to reach as many people as possible with my music ministry. I want to go everywhere spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. I know what an impact The Lord has made on my life and I want to see others being impacted as well! None of us have it all together and I believe God wants his children to see that you can overcome your obstacles in life and that he is always going to be there to pick you up and put your feet on a solid rock. I know what The Lord has done for me and I want to share my experiences with other to encourage everyone to not give up but to keep striving for Jesus, He is what really matters in life!"